Walgreens wants to be your Facebook friend

12-07-2009 BY bbulman

With my previous example of how some brands are using the behavior of reciprocity on Facebook to quickly build their fanbases. This morning I woke up to an email from Walgreens, a US drug store retailer, where they offered me free shipping today, if I became their fan on Facebook.

Screen shot 2009-12-07 at 6.42.46 AM

It seems to be working for them as their Fan #’s have jumped quickly into 300,000. It seems like Free Shipping is valued enough by consumers for them to friend Walgreens. I am starting to believe this trend is going to backfire as more and more brands push for share of the consumer’s social graph, they become invisible, like banner ads have become. This example of reciprocity is sort of a quick hit situation, as the offer is only good for today(Monday, December 7th).

I think “REAL” success in the “Facebook Reciprocity Model” will involve these brands rethinking the value of a “fan” and finding ways to make the reciprocity continue as consumers are going to start asking Walgreens what have you done for me lately…

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1 Comment

  • | Designing For Influence 12.08.09

    [...] yesterday’s post about Walgreen’s use of Facebook reciprocity, I found some of the statistics in the report quite [...]

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